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Virginia - New NWTF License Plate! Special Offer, Chance to be Among 1st to Get One

Ken Perrotte

The Virginia Chapter of the NWTF is working on getting an NWTF License Plate approved. Rappahannock Spurs Chapter president Julie Abel says they are close to reaching the goal but need to exceed 450 paid applications for the final approval and submission of the artwork for production. Final artwork is due in early 2018. Abel says, "We are about half way there now!"

The design is expected to include an image of a gobbling tom turkey by artist Melissa Ball.

Abel listed why it's beneficial to you and the NWTF to purchase a plate now.

The first 450 paid applications a will be entered into a special drawing for a NWTF Henry Silver Boy .22 Rifle. Second, early applicants don't have to wait for existing plates to expire. Once the NWTF plate is approved, they will be printed and released. Third, Abel says she and her organization will refund $25 of the application fee once the new plates are received. "When you get the plates, contact me," Abel said, "and I will cut you a check and refund your application fee - up to $25. Buyers would pay just the $10 fee for personalized plates or transfer plates."

Once 1,000 plates have been purchased, the Virginia State Chapter of NWTF will receive $15 for each additional plate purchased. This is an income-generating project that will create opportunities for years to come.

Click the image below to apply. Download the APPLICATION, and mail with your payment, payable to VANWTF, to Abel at 414 West Rocky Run Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22406. You can also mail it to your local chapter president or to the state chapter's Kevin Walter at 9411 Katelyn Ct, Manassas, VA 20111.

Abel said there is no limit to the number of applications you can purchase and she is extending the reimbursement offer to family and friends of NWTF members. The offer expires once the Virginia State Chapter reaches the 450 Applications required for DMV submission, expected by the end of the year.

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