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"Outside the City Limits" Article for NWTF Wins "Best of Show" Honors at Outdoor Writers Conference

Ken Perrotte

Updated: Feb 6, 2023

The ol' Outdoors Rambler was very humbled and honored when his article titled "Outside the City Limits" was awarded Best of Show at the 2022 Association of Great Lakes Outdoor Writers' Awards in Craft competition. There are so many talented communicators in this Association and total entries exceeded 400.

A compelling story, the article details the efforts of Cliff Cadet, a UPS driver from Queens, New York, who wanted to become a hunter. With support from a young police officer, Anthony Bambach, north of the city, Cadet finds himself accessing and hunting lands, eventually taking his first turkey, much to the delight of his family. His daughter's reaction to eating the wild bird for dinner was priceless.

The article appeared in #NWTF Turkey Call magazine. Amazingly, Cadet has succeeded in launching the first inner city NWTF Chapter, a group called the New York City Metro Longspurs. The article is linked here and below (just click on the photo) Please check it out - and enjoy the incredible photography by Rick Meoli. Heading into New York City at the peak of the pandemic to shoot this article was a surreal trip in and of itself.

1 Comment

Matt Stewart
Matt Stewart
Sep 30, 2022

Great work, Ken. Well-deserved honor.

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